Some students represented St Edwards at the 2023 STEM MAD competition at the Convention Centre.
They used the design thinking process. This included 6 steps, Empathise, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test and Refine. The students had to demonstrate cooperation when we were prototyping and building our designs because we had to work together and listen to each other's ideas.
Students set up the displays and our first project was the War Robot, which is a robot that provides access to vital needs to people in war torn countries. Our students were inspired by the war in the Ukraine and wanted to find a way to help these people and make a difference in their lives.
Overall, the students had an amazing experience, and learned a lot about cooperation and how to work together as a team.
Check out our Facebook page for some great photos of the day.

© BCE, St Edward the Confessor School (2023)