To access the current school/college Annual Report, please visit the Brisbane Catholic Education School Annual Reports page.
Strategic Renewal
St Edward’s Primary School’s strategic goals evolve to adapt to the ever-changing world and to make best use of the facilities and opportunities for students, staff and the wider community.
Our current Strategic Renewal Plan, which spans 2017-2020, closely reflects Brisbane Catholic Education’s Strategic Plan (2017-2020) that provides priorities and strategic intents that offer focus and direction in planning and action.
St Edward’s Primary School Strategic Renewal Plan for 2017.pdf
2022 St Edwards School Annual Plan.pdf

The three priorities that have been identified by Brisbane Catholic Education serve to provide high-quality teaching and learning
outcomes for students and encourage innovative practices across the priorities. These include:
1. Strong Catholic Identity
2. Excellent Learning and Teaching
3. Building a Sustainable Future
© BCE, St Edwards School, 2017
Annual Reports
St Edward’s Primary School Reports are published for the previous year. These reports cover the mandatory areas of reporting for compliance.
St Edward the Confessor (Daisy Hill) 2016.pdf
St Edward's Primary School 2016 Annual School Reporting (for the 2015 School Year).pdf
Religious Education Validation
In July 2016, our school's Religious Education Program was validated as a result of a peer validation process involving Brisbane Catholic Education Office staff and colleagues from other schools.
This process is designed to ensure that each school has a documented, high-quality Religious Education Program. Confirmation of validation was received from the Executive Director, Brisbane Catholic Education.
View our Validation Certificate.
We will continue to monitor and review our school’s Religious Education Program, including addressing the recommendations from the validation process.